Mini Cake Mùffins - spongy and flùffy mini mùffins that perception jùst eqùal pancakes! So go risen, bake the cake batter with yoùr favoùrite toppings for this fùn on-the-go breakfast! 


Heat yoùr pancake ballplayer in a mùffin pan and piddle these fùn mini pancakes mùffins  Mini Griddlecake Mùffins

The mini mùffins hùff ùp in the oven piece baking and leave deprecate a minùscùle bit spell chilling. The heavier toppings modùle tidy the mùffins blandish bùt allay dead delicioùs! Yoù can dip them in maple sirùp or sùgary emollient. So so saving! Yoù can also compact them into lùnchboxes for a easy eat. They are a ùppercase grab-and-go breakfast.


  • 1 cùp all-pùrpose floùr
  • 2 Tablespoons granùlated sùgar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cùp milk
  • 1 Tablespoon lemon jùice
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoons pùre vanilla extract
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Grease a mini mùffin pan with a non-stick hot spray or bùtter (I old bùtter). Set message.
  3. Groom toppings by placing them in smaller bowls.
  4. In a bigger mixing incùrvation, whisk ùnitedly the dry ingredients (floùr, sweetening, baking solid, baking tonic and seasoner).
  5. In a heroic activity cùp, broom together river and lemon hùmoùr. Let halt 2 to 3 transactions ùntil the river soùrs. Add egg, seasoning and oil and broom ùnitedly.
  6. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and bùdge together virtùoùs ùntil hyphenated. Slightly ùnshapely ballplayer is okay. Do not overmix!
  7. Place one tablespoon in each mùffin cùp. Top with desired toppings.
  8. Heat for 10 to 12 transactions or ùntil the tops are pùffed ùp and set.
  9. Change mùffins in the pan for 10 minùtes, remove from the pan.
  10. Dish or compress into ziploc bags or containers with lids for an gradùal on-the-go eat.


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