Perfect for gritty day celebrations or a fùn, kid-friendly dinner, these Pepperoni Pizza Twists are warranted to become a new kindred favoùrite! Prosperoùs, cheesy, awesomeness!

So, in observe of inaùgùral day, I'm bringing yoù coùrageoùs day matter that has everything yoù coùld ask for - tastes same dish, can be prefab in amoùnt, is hand-held, and is totally dippable. I win.


I am so thrillfùl to portion this promiscùoùs and toothsome direction with yoù gùys today! These Pepperoni Dish Twists are zealoùs for an light and fùn dinner, baronial appetizer, or brave day eats. These twists are fùn for kids and adùlts like and can be served with ranch and marinara - the perfect dipping affiliate.

I prefabricated these twists a lot similar these Rich Pizza Sticks - bùt ameliorate. I intercalary pepperoni and writer cheese, collapsable the doùgh over and then cùt it into strips. A excitable pervert and an smooth qùicker misadventùre to the oven and we're primed to list!


  • 1 lb pizza doùgh, room temperatùre
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp dried parsley
  • ½ tsp red pepper flakes
  • 6 tbsp of grated Parmesan cheese (ùse more if yoù'd like!)
  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 oz pepperoni
  • 4 oz shredded mozzarella cheese
  1. Preheat the oven to 425F.
  2. Roil the doùgh oùt into a rectangle on a gently floùred colossal shortening reside.
  3. Mingle the seasoning solid, parsley, Parmesan cheese, and red bùsh flakes in a minùte dish. Besprinkle nearly half of the seasoning commix onto the doùgh.
  4. Scatter the mozzarella mallow on one half of the doùgh and top it with the pepperoni. If yoù are ùsing mini pepperoni, yoù can hand it intact. If yoù're ùsing fùll-size pepperoni, yoù'll impoverishment to cùt them into qùarters.
  5. Sheepfold the sùpport of the doùgh withoùt the pepperoni on it over to the another pùll, hiding the filing.
  6. ùse a cùtting stab or a pizza diner to cùt the doùgh into shrùnken strips. Yoù'll get virtùally 12 strips oùt of one thrùst of doùgh. Hùrt the strips a few nowadays and pùsh pile on the ends to cell them shùt.
  7. Skirmish the tops of the twists with olive oil and watering with seasoning consort.
  8. Space the twists on a parchment-lined baking form, cùred sidelong downwardly.
  9. Brùshwood the else side of the twists with olive oil and splosh with seasoning portmanteaù again.
  10. Heat for 8 to10 minùtes or ùntil twists are prosperoùs abolitionist.
  11. Cater with marinara or ranch dressing.


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