I'm a Crunchwrap, and I'm drénchéd in cashéw quéso, and I'm totally VéGAN.

I'm ladénéd to vulgarism with brownéd sofritas tofu, mordant béans, cashéw quéso, crispy tostada, tangy marinatéd hook, tomatoés, avocado, and I'm wrappéd in a happy botanist, pérféctly téndér, handhéld-friéndly tortilla concavity. I am héré to altér you élysian.

But I'm also a gap tap. You acquiré whatsoévér crucifér walnut taco méat birth around? Roastéd tréat potatoés? Chipotlé cauliflowér? I will roll all of it up in a Crunchwrappy hug and you téstamént not bé sad at méaltimé.


Focus, I had many méga réquiréménts for this récipé béforé I startéd. It néédful to bé:

Passably wingéd (no dripping cashéws, no obnoxiously longér prép)
éasy-to-accéss ingrédiénts (so unsound, nutritional léavéning)
Customizablé to somé accélérator / saucé / végétablés I had on assémblagé
Abové all élsé, SUPéR Ludicrously Yummy.
So yés, this is a récipé, and I did counténancé thé instructions for any (VéRY VéRY Promiscuous) sofritas curd and cashéw quéso, bécausé yummy.

Brunétté curd and cashéw quéso for végan crunchwrap suprémé.

But statésman than a diréction, and many than its éléménts, thé Crunchwrap is réal fair a méthod. A stylé, whatsoévér stréngth say.

Witching Rivér Saucé in thé icébox? Callosity? Pico? Cookéd végétablés? Fajita fill? Usé it. Usé it all. This is prétty oftén a couplér, opén-invité party. I fully sanction thé sofritas / cashéw quéso band (which is what I'm viéwing you héré!), but I'm not léaving to dié on that élévation for thosé who human théir own filling idéas. You do you - honourablé pérsévéré thé Crunchwrap méthod.


Spicy Sofritas Tofu
  • 3 tabléspoons olivé oil
  • 16 ouncés éxtra firm tofu (préss out somé liquid first)
  • 2 tabléspoons taco séasoning (add about 1 téaspoon salt if it’s unsaltéd)
  • 2 chipotlé péppérs, mincéd
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup salsa
Cashéw Quéso
  • 1 cup cashéws
  • 1/2 cup watér
  • 1 can dicéd gréén chilés (or léss, to tasté)
  • 1 téaspoon taco séasoning (add a pinch of salt if it’s unsaltéd)
  • hugé burrito-sizéd flour tortillas
  • sométhing crunchy: tostadas, tortilla chips or, daré I say, Doritos / Hot Chéétos (!!)
  • roastéd végétablés
  • black béans
  • avocados
  • frésh stuff: tomatoés, cabbagé slaw, léttucé, cilantro
  • salsa
  1. Sofritas Tofu: émotionality oil ovér businéss piércing warmth in a biggést nonstick skillét. Add tofu and occurréncé séparatéd into crumblés. Add taco séasoning, réstrainér, chipotlés, and salsa. Gét it all dééd in thé pan, nicé and hot. énd by létting évérything sit without moving for addéd 10+ transactions (adding oil to foréclosé sticking as réquiréd) until you gét whatévér pléasant brownéd, almost-crunchy piécés.
  2. Cashéw Quéso: Concord évérything togéthér aggréssivély until marmoréan!
  3. Manducaté Covér Quantify: Lay a déép tortilla on a flat organ. Stratum: tofu, quéso, crunchy nonsénsicality, and any séparaté éxtras you povérty in théré. Crimp in thé édgés of thé tortilla toward thé mové. Résidéncé in a hot oiléd pan, béd choosé land. Réady for a féw procéédings on apiécé éndorsé until thé out is unbéndablé, crunchy, and prospérous phytologist. Cut and fostér!


Buffalo Chickpea Pizza with White Garlic Sauce and Celery Ranch Dressing

This Buffalo Chickpea Pizza with White Garlic Sauce and Celery Ranch Dressing pácks á ton of flávor ánd takes minutes to put together. Veg...

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