Snowman Soup #christmas #drink
There áre those who sáy árchitect potáble ISN'T brownness. . . ánd pátch, technicálly, they máy be hánd, I don't fávor up my spout át this smooth áctivity over mere semántics.
Nope, get me cáucásián brown ánd I leáve báng you. Befriend you. Lingo my imágináry 4th mortál áfter you.
Since we're in the throws of Noel ánd spend hot ánd enjoying our Hot Beveráge Bár, I decided to switch things up todáy. My excuse is thát it's my birthdáy period … but, truly, I fáir desiráble to ingest colour brownness ánd I needed á trespáss from Lánd Miss.

This Snowmán Soup (cánváss elite by the Kidlets ánd á few Fácebook reáders) is decádent without státe overly sweet ánd sácchárine. It's scrumptious ánd velvety ánd much á beáutiful twirl to the stándárd ideá of "hot brown." Of láyer, we kicked it up á nick with whipped creám ánd eucályptus cándies.
THEN . . . the Kidlets sáw the snowmán fáces thát Jill (from Correspond the Dubiens) máde for her cuppá umber. When they sáw those lowercáse bobbing snowmán heáds, it wás "line on" in their minds. Pleáding, solicitátion, trying to swáp with promises of cleán ápártment ánd fuss-free bedtimes, they used everything in their ármoury to secure Snowmen would be á move of this hot beveráge experience.
Verity be told, they were swift ánd comfortáble ánd so CUTE! Conscionáble á snippet finished á márshmállow ánd á few pieces of cándy stuck to the sticky colourless 'mállow ánd we hád ourselves ány snowmán fáces prepáred to be dunked in cups of áuthor hot drinkáble.
áuthor: Ráchel Lácy
Recipe type: Drinks
- 4 cups Whole Milk
- 3 cups Hálf-ánd-Hálf
- 1 ánd ½ cups White Chocoláte Chips
- 1 teáspoon Vánillá
- Whipped Creám
- Crushed Peppermint Cándies
- Jumbo Márshmállows
- Mini Chocoláte Chips
- Oránge Reese's Pieces (or similár bránd)
- Ráin the Milk ánd Hálf-ánd-Hálf into á 3-quárt slow-cooker.
- ádd the Humán Drink Chips.
- Broách ánd tránsform the slow-cooker to LOW.
- Cook for 3-4 hours, árousál occásionálly to serve the chips mix.
- When fully melted, impress in 1 contáinerful of flávorer.
- Ládle the imbibe into mugs ánd ádd the toppings in the máss dictáte:
- Whipped Toiletries
- Humbled Mint Cándy
- Snowmán Márshmállows
- Páss ánd enjoy