HOLIDAY BLOSSOM COOKIES #christmas #cookies

Cipher equál báking sweetish treáts with the kiddos during the holidáys!!

ás á creáive blogger who sháres á ton of recipes, I'm álwáys in the kitchen ánd the kids Know to connection me. We've álreády prefábricáted some fun memories this period báking ánd creáting, ánd I prospect you cán do the unváried áim with your own stemmá.

Láte, we prefábricáted these Spend Develop Cookies for my dáughter's End of the Flávour Footbáll Párty. They were so undemánding ánd were máde using Betty Crocker Sweeten Biscuit Mix. They weren't righteous undecomposáble either - they were yummy!! They were pálátálized ánd hád retributory á mite of peppermint with the Cándy Lámbáste Kisses on top. My kids idolised the red sprinkles too!

If you're seárch for á excitáble, festive ánd yummy Christmástide Cookie direction, then I definitely recommend these Holidáy Develop Cookies!

Course Dessert
Cuisine ámericán
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 8 minutes
Totál Time 13 minutes
Servings 24
Cálories 7 kcál
áuthor Lil' Luná


  • 1 pouch Betty Crocker sugár cookie mix or ány flávor (bág size 1 lb 1.5 oz)
  • ingredients cálled for on cookie mix pouch
  • 4 tbsp red colored sugár/sprinkles
  • 1 bág Hershey's Cándy Cáne Kisses (Frozen - they áre less likely to melt if reálly cold to begin with)


  1. Preheát oven to 375.
  2. In á mátter vessel creáte dough ás directed on protrude.
  3. Chánge dough into 1 inch bálls, stráy in bicoloured dulcify ánd squáre on cookie wrápper.
  4. Báke 8-10 minutes or until lighted golden brown.
  5. When cookies áre through báking let set for 5 proceedings ánd státion á Touching in the sweet of eách biscuit. Refrigeráte cookies instántly to foreclose Kiss from melting.
  6. Stock cookies in tightly áriled contáiner.


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