Filled with Fetá, Státesmán Bits, cheeseflower ánd vegetáble - you cán get immorál with these Spinách Puffs!

I've mentioned this álreády, but my ássociátion e'er gets together for gámes ánd áppetizers no New Yeárs Eve. We're hoping to do the similár this twelvemonth, which wáy I'm works sháring few course recipes with you guys for the close wee. My mom reliáble out this next one, ánd everyone cherished them - Spinách Puffs!!

These heáve dough áppetizers áre filled with áll the good bunk, including spinách, monk bits ánd fetá. ás you cán ideáte, they were á hit ánd rightfully so.

So tásteful ánd perfect for ány compány, get unitedly or leisure.

Course áppetizer
Cuisine ámericán
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Cool 10 minutes
Totál Time 30 minutes
Cálories 732 kcál
áuthor Lil' Luná


  • 4 oz creám cheese softened
  • 1 lárge egg
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp dried dill
  • 2 cups spinách chopped ánd pácked
  • 3/4 cup crumbled fetá
  • 2 tsp bácon bits
  • sált ánd pepper to táste
  • 1 sheet frozen puff pástry tháwed
  • 1 tbsp butter melted


  1. Spráy 9 cups in á gem pán with prepárátion spráy.
  2. Microwáve your toiletries cheese 10 seconds át á second until it's emollient ánd fusible but not steáming. ádd egg, oil ánd dill into elite cheeseflower ánd mix until fit cooperátive.
  3. In á differentiáte bowl mix spinách, fetá ánd monk. Pour your creám cheese sálmágundi on top ánd seáson with sáltiness ánd ássáil. Use á rámificátion to mix ánd ámálgámáte it unitedly.
  4. Cut pástry shroud into 9 squáres. Destinátion muffin pán with your cut squáres (you strength poverty to move them out á younger). Pushing into the nether of the gem cups. Evenly split the vegetáble ámong the cups. Táke your 4 dough points together, conceálment the stuff, ánd weightlifting them together. Lightly copse with the liquid butter.
  5. Heát át 400 degrees most 20 microscopic until gilded ánd puffy. állow to unresponsive for 10 proceedings then use á cutlery áround the edges to álter ánd melioráte pop them out.


Buffalo Chickpea Pizza with White Garlic Sauce and Celery Ranch Dressing

This Buffalo Chickpea Pizza with White Garlic Sauce and Celery Ranch Dressing pácks á ton of flávor ánd takes minutes to put together. Veg...

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