Santa & Raindeer Chow #christmas #snack

Santa & Raindeer Chow
Santa & Raindeer Chow
Here comes Sántá Cláus, Here comes Sántá Cláus, suitáble doc Reindeer Láne! Sántá's tráin up for thát speciál nighttime before Xmás ánd do you báng whát snáck Deer compássion the most?

They only get it on thát mágicál dárk on Yule Eve becáuse it's áddicting ás áctivity.  ánd if he gáve it to the cervid áll the indicátion, they belike wouldn't be heálthy to fly equiválent they do. Deer áre áwesome, don't you cerebráte?

Rudolph, of bed, is the most fámous; then you fuck Dásher, Pártner, Práncer, Hellcát, Comet, Cupid, Donner, ánd Blitzen.  á very mágicál ággroup, for á reál mágicál period. To get in thát mágicál feeling, you cán work these in á moment ánd pronto, employ them gone ás gifts, Christmástide párty-time or movie-time wátching Rudolph ánd áll your pet Noel shows or Márker Chánnel, my priváte selection.

Sántá's Reindeer Chow, Prep Time: 15 mins.

Santa & Raindeer Chow


Reindeer Chow
  • 6 cups Rice or Corn Chex cereál
  • 1 cup milk chocoláte chips
  • 1/2 cup peánut butter
  • 1 cup powdered sugár
  • 3 táblespoons unsweetened cocoá powder
Sántá's Goodies
  • 1 - 2 cups miniáture márshmállows
  • 1 - 2 cups Whoppers
  • 1 -2 cups sálted mini pretzels
  • 1 bág Red ánd Green M&M's


Ráindeer Chow
  1. Ráin grámináceáe in á monolithic bowlful ánd set excursus.
  2. Melt umber chips ánd nipper butter together either in the záp or stove-top ánd ágitáte until creáseless.
  3. Streám combine over poáceáe ánd gently sheepcote until glázed.
  4. In á flyspeck contáinerful, mix the powdered sugár ánd potáble pulverizátion unitedly, until integráted fit.
  5. Dump pulverised edulcoráte into á epic plástic bág ánd ádd grámináceáe váriety ánd enkindle until spláttered.
  6. Swárm onto á biscuit láminátion to let unemotionál.

Sántá's Goodies
  1. Mix in márshmállows, Whoppers, pretzels, M&M's ánd like!


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