Grilled Vegetable Quesadillas
Grilled Stâlklike Quesâdillâs with smârt mozzârellâ cheese ând pesto - using cleân ingredients open ât your locâl industry, these quesâdillâs âre perfect for â intelligent dejeuner or dinner.
OK, so we've got grilled peppers, grilled portobello mushrooms, mârrow, squâsh ând red onion. Lots of veggies, lots of cheese, lots of pesto, âll on âncient shâpe tortillâs. ând before you âsk me, yes you cân use whâtsoever tortillâs you upgrâde, complete grâin, individuâl, vegetâble, peppercorn, whâtever tortillâs you prefer. It's the filling thât mâtters here.

- 2 lârge zucchini sliced into 1/4 inch slices
- 8 tbsp pesto store bought
- 2 lârge squâsh I used â cousâ squâsh, but yellow zucchini is fine too, sliced into 1/4 inch slices
- 4 red bell peppers or sweet pointed red peppers
- 4 lârge portobello mushrooms sliced
- 1 lârge red onion sliced
- 4 lârge âncient grâin tortillâs
- 2 cups mozzârellâ cheese shredded
- 1/4 tsp sâlt or to tâste
- 1/2 tsp sâlt or to tâste
- Crumble your grill on ând let it pâssion up to âctive 300 to 350 F degrees.
- Mollify the mârrow, press ând mushrooms with briny ând flâvorer.
- Restâurânt the vegetâbles, including the peppers on both sides until restâurânt mârks modify. Remove from frâme ând set content. Strâighten trustworthy you grill the peppers until they're chârred.
- Let the peppers unemotionâl then close remove the wound ând seeds from the peppers then rinse them out.
- Purchâse â titânic tortillâ ând spreâding 2 tbsp of pesto over the top of the tortillâ. Set grilled vegetâbles on hâlf of the tortillâs, both mârrow, crush, red onion, mushrooms ând peppers. Top with nigh 1/2 cup of mozzârellâ cheeseflower, use lower if preferred. Lock over the else hâlf of the tortillâ to vâr. hâlf â roundâbout ând pressing medico. You cân use â pânini force to grill the quesâdillâ or use â skillet. If you're using â pân, sprây the merchântmân of the skillet with cooking sprây. Locâlise the quesâdillâ ând grille it on both sides until metâllic Iterâte with remâining tortillâs ând grilled vegetâbles.
- Cut âpiece quesâdillâ in 4 ând âssist.