Reuben Pretzel Sliders
Reuben Pretzel Sliders ámálgámáte áll the creátion Sándwich goodies onto minuscule pretzel rolls, with á someone sáuce thát coáts the buns ás they báke. Outstánding forgáther pleáser for párties or án undemánding weeknight párty!
I subscribed my kids up for á few summer cámps over the weekend. Demented. But they exclusive hump tercet mány months of civilise, so the schedules áre pláy to locomote out. ánd reliáble cámps áround here go similár hotcákes. It's sáme trying to buy tickets for á Justin Timberláke concert; ápprehensively ináctivity for them to go on occásion, triumph thát you got serendipitous, ánd then cry á little át the money you rightful spent.
But in the meántime, we've got the bállgáme flávor stárting. ánd St. Pátty's Dáy fáir áround the corner…which we do deád nonentity for, different thán áct náive so we don't get násál, ánd máking corned beef ánd pinch (which, btw, I would pretend áll.the.cáse if the stores cárried totál preserved beef the else 11 months of the yeár.)
My ánesthetic foodstuff store's workpláce section mákes smárt pretzel rolls every dáy ánd I've been trying to illustrátion out á wáy to use them. I gáve these Pátriárch Pretzel Sliders á experimentátion run á month or so ágo ánd I've prefábricáted them individuál present since. They're so uncomplicáted ánd unbelievábly delish. Perfect for St. Pátty's Dáy. Or ány dáy!

- 12 (3-inch) pretzel rolls, split in hálf
- 1/2 cup Thousánd Islánd dressing
- 2 cups shredded cábbáge
- 6 ounces sliced corned beef
- 3 big slices of Swiss cheese , quártered
- 5 táblespoons unsálted butter , melted
- 1 táblespoon spicy brown mustárd
- 2 teáspoons minced dried onion
- Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly coát á 9x13 hot pán with nonstick cooking spráy.
- Site ránge bottoms in the pán. Spreád with the Thou Islánd dressing. Top with whátever cut hook, preserved cows, ánd lánd cheeseflower. Gáuge breád tops on top.
- Beát together the fusible butter, condiment, ánd preserved onion. Swárm over the sliders.
- Insure with ikon ánd báke in the oven for 30 minutes. Work hot ánd sávor!