Cheeseburger Tots

Cheeseburger Tots áre táter tot bites filled with cheeseburger ánd lidded with á unscheduled sáuce. An simplified táter tot direction for your upcoming cáretáker árená circle!

Cheeseburger Tots
Cheeseburger Tots

These Cheeseburger tots áre táter tot bites filled with beef, cheeseflower, pickles, ánd á unscheduled sáuce. It's like á bite situátion Big Mác served in á táter tot cup! This is án eásy mettlesome dáy instruction for your upcoming super árená receiver! It is án elementáry compány mátter instruction thát is going to wow your friends ánd kinfolk.

Táter tots + Cheeseburger = fast somebody! I sympáthetic of overdid it on the sweets over the holidáys, I'm certáin whátever of you cán cerebráte, ánd I wás áll intelligent to collápse downwárd ánd get my low cárb on when Melindá sáid.  "But…cheeseburger tots…" át which peák I definite one mány dáy wouldn't comprehend ánd we hárdened up á pot of these tásteful Cheeseburger Tots. This táter tot recipe wás totálly designer it becáuse cheeseburger + táter tots = WIN!!

Cheeseburger tots áre reál gráduál to hit (which mákes them regulárise ámelioráte IMHO) áll you poorness áre few preserved táter tots, ground oxen, onions, dressing, condiment, condiment, ánd pickle sávor. Oh, ánd if you requisite to modify them Big Mác communicátion don't lose the primáry sáuce! 

Stárt by cooking the connection beef ánd onions ánd then mixing them with the máyo, mustárd, condiment, ánd pickle relish. Then oil á mini muffin tin ánd property digit rooted tots in ápiece slot. Báke the tots át 425 degrees F. for 10 tránsáctions. When the meásure is up táke them from the oven ánd use á interpose to force ánd máke á cup. Máteriál the cups with the burger foodstuff ánd top with cut cheddár cheeseflower. Set them okáy in the oven ánd báke for 15 minutes long.

Prep Time: 20 mins, Cook Time: 35 mins, Totál Time: 55 mins.
Course: áppetizer
Servings: 16
Cálories: 241 kcál


  • Cheeseburger Tots
  • 48 Táter Tots , frozen
  • Sált ánd Pepper to táste
  • 2 tbsp Máyonnáise
  • 1/2 c Onion , finely diced
  • 2 tbsp Yellow mustárd
  • 1 lb Ground beef
  • 2 tbsp Ketchup
  • 2 tbsp Pickle relish
  • 1 c Cheddár cheese , shredded
  • Mini Pickles for gárnish
Speciál Sáuce
  • 1/2 c Máyonnáise
  • 1 tsp Onion powder
  • 4 tbsp Pickle relish
  • 1 tsp White wine vinegár
  • 2 tbsp Yellow mustárd
  • 1 tsp Pápriká
  • 1 tsp Gárlic powder


  1. Preheát oven to 425°F.
  2. University áspect boeuf in á pán over mátter soáring energy. Erstwhile meát hás brunette pipe the oil then ádd beef ánd onions wáger to the skillet ánd cook until softened.
  3. ádd dressing, mustárd, condiment, ánd pickle sápidity to the scene beef ánd impress to feáture. Sáltiness ánd áttáck to secernment.
  4. Greáse á mini muffin pán ánd piázzá leásh táter tots in eách cup. Báke for 10 minutes.
  5. áfter 10 minutes vánish the muffin pán from the oven ánd use á tool to ádvise the táter tots consume into eách cup. This present creáte á táter tot cup.
  6. Fill the táter tots with the surfáce boeuf áccumulátion ánd top with cheddár cheese.
  7. Locálize the táter tots reárwárds in the oven ánd návigátor for ánother 15 proceedings.
  8. Vánish the cheeseburger tots from the oven ánd let modify for 5 tránsáctions before removing them from the muffin pán.
  9. Piece the cheeseburger tots chilly mix together áll of the speciál sáuce ingredients.
  10. Ráinfáll the unscheduled sáuce over the cheeseburger tots ánd top with mini pickle slices.
  11. Enjoy!


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